The History of Marlborough by Charles H Cochrane 1887
[From the first settlement in 1712 by Capt Wm Bond to 1887]
p 142
Property holders from 1871 directory of Ulster County published in Syracuse
Rhoades, Elijah R Mil Wheelbarrow manuf
Elizabeth Mrs Mil resident
Jonah Mil farmer 15
Lorenzo C Mil farmer 3
Rhodes, Benjamin W Mil farmer leases of Mrs. Harriet 75
Isaiah Mil (Hulse + Rhodes) farmer 7 1/2
James K farmer 2
Lewis G Mil farmer 32
John L Mil farmer 17
p 148
Residents of Milton, Marlborough, and Vicinity in 1816 (1816-1825)
Stephen Eckert
New York
State of New York Ulster County ?: On the 13th day of June A.D. 1827 personally appeared in open Court to wit in the Court of Common Pleas of Ulster County in the State of New York being a Court of Record which proceeds according to the Course of the Common law with an unlimited discretion in point of amount and which Court keeps a Record of its proceedings, Stephen Eckert aged Eighty two years and about eight months residing in the town of Shawangunk in the County of Ulster and State aforesaid who being sworn according to law on his oath makes the following declaration in order to obtain the provision made by the acts of Congress of the eighteenth of March 1818. And of the first of May 1820, to wit I the said Stephen Eckert do declare and depose that my age and residence is above correctly stated that some time in the month of May in the year 1776 at the town of New Paltz in the County aforesaid I the said Stephen Eckert enlisted a private soldier in the Company commanded by Captain Isaac Belknap in the Regiment commanded by Col. Lewis Dubois in the New York line of Continental Rangers in the war of the Revolution for the term of during the war and that I the said Stephen Eckert Continued to serve as a common soldier in the said Corps until on or about the 13 day of June 1777, at which time I was discharged from the service in the town of Newburgh then Ulster but now Orange County and that all the soldiers in said commanded by the said Isaac Belknap was discharged at the same time that shortly thereafter I the said Stephen Eckert enlisted. I served in the same company Commanded by the said Isaac Belknap in Fishkill in the County of Dutchess until about three months previous to my discharge when the said Company was removed to Newburgh aforesaid at which place I continued to serve as a private soldier until I was discharged as above stated that I at the time of my discharge received a written discharge which I am now unable to find the same being lost or destroyed that my name is not on the roll of any state except New York and that I hereby relinquish every claim whatsoever to a pension except the present and that the following are the reasons for not making earlier application for a pension because I several years ago made application to one Beverly Kain an attorney at law to procure my pension who has as I have been informed never taken proper steps to procure the same but has neglected to give me the necessary information in what manner to proceed to procure the same and that I have and since the 18th day of March 1818, at which time I was a resident of the United States and that I have not since that time by quit sale or in any other manner disposed of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to ? ? as to bring myself within the provisions of an act of Congress entitled "an act to provide for certain persons are aged in the land and never Service of the United States in the Revolutionary war ? in the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any persons in trust for me any property or securities contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribe that since the 18th day of March 1818, the following changes have been made in my property. I have sold one Cow since ? and no other material change in my property whatsoever to the best of my knowledge
Happy Dance
tracy — Fri, 04/29/2005 - 07:57
So last night Fred and I signed the lease for a nice two bedroom apartment in Newton. I, for one, am really looking forward to moving although it will mean a ton of work over the next month. The biggest plus is that it is much closer to my job and my commute will be about half an hour or so. Of course, it increases Fred's commute by a pretty heft percentage (we currently live less than a mile from his job), but it would have been a hard thing to avoid. I'm just glad we were able to find a heated two bedroom in our price range.
Leases are often a pretty funny read. One of the parts of the lease concerned how we were not allowed to hang anything from the walls or doors but we were allowed to arrange our furniture however we wish. Another page of instructions/addendum said that we weren't allowed to smoke anywhere on the property but could smoke in our apartment (we don't smoke, but we have some friends and family who do).
Index to the Probate Records of the County of Suffolk Mass 1894-1909 Vol I A-K
YearNameTypeRecord Number
1906Belcher, Agnes Gadmin133358
1908Belcher, Alvah Lguardian n.c.142308
1896Belcher, Charles Bseparate support103321
1901Belcher, Clarence Aadmin118505
1906Belcher, Elizabeth Cguardian133364
1909Belcher, Emerson Wguardian144070
Index to Obituary Notices in the Boston Transcript 1900-1930 Vol I A-F
Belcher, Albert W (T Oct 3, 1927)
Belcher, Arthur F d Oct 6, 1904 (T Oct 7)
Belcher, Charles F d Jul 8, 1919 (T Jul 9)
Belcher, Daniel (T Mar 6, 1906)
Belcher, Mrs Elizabeth David d June 23, 1922 (T Jun 24)
Belcher, Mrs Emma K d Mar 3, 1911 (T Mar 4)
Belcher, Mrs. Emma W d Feb 16, 1915 (T Feb 17)
Belcher, Frederck W d Dec 14, 1913 (T Dec 15)
Belcher, George E d Aug 28, 1924 (T Aug 29)
Belcher, Mrs. Hannah d Jun 25, 1901 (T Jun 26)
Belcher, Henry A d Jan 20, 1915 (T Jan 20)
Belcher, Horace A d Oct 17, 1924 (T Oct 18)
Papers from the National Slovak Society for John Paul Pecka.
Chelsea, MA Directory 1902/1903
Chelsea, MA Directory 1902/1903-1904 Reel 1, Boston Public Library
Revere Directory
pp. 499-500
Hurley, Fred T photographer h Boulevard n Bath House
Hurley, John J printer (B) h 250 Campbell ave
Hurley, John J silversmith (B) h 46 Dolphin Ave
Hurley, Robert J machinist h 83 Endicatt ave Bm't
p. 602
Belcher, Addie Miss music teacher 137 Winthrop boards do
Belcher, Alphonso W florist bds 141 Winthrop
Belcher, Alvah L (Belcher Bros) rem to Tauton
Belcher, Arnold L driver bds 17 Pauline
Belcher, Bessie T Miss bds 141 Winthrop
Frederick T Hurley
Pioneered Beach Rides
Boston Globe August 11, 1964, page 27
Frederick T Hurley, 95, of 1777 North Shore Rd, Revere, pioneer in the establishment of amusements on Revere Beach, died Monday after a long illness.
Mr. Hurley, owner and operator of various amusements along the boulevard, started his business in 1896. He was past president of the Revere Beach Businessmen's Assn., Our Lady of Lourdes Holy Name Society, and, in 1904, was a member of the Revere Police Department.
Husband of the late Mary E (Donahue), Mr. Hurley leaves 9 children, Mrs. Celia A'Hearn, Mrs. Esther Miller, Theresa Hurley, Irene Mackenzie, Frederick Hurley, Jr., Timothy, and Linus, all of Revere; Clement of Saugus and Leo of Melrose; 12 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren
Last Hurley of Revere Beach fame dies
Clement W Hurley was at Revere Beach when four roller coasters clacked and clattered around the seaside amusement park. He was at Revere Beach when there were six merry-go-rounds and the crash of dodgem cars competed with the pounding of the surf. And he was at Revere Beach when gravelly voiced barkers shilled stuffed dolls for a quarter a chance and smell of hot dogs and onions filled the air.
Hurley, of Saugus, the last remaining member of the original Hurley family who built the first amusements at Revere Beach, died peacefully Wednesday in Salem at Salem Hospital. He was 89.
Charles Belcher, of Old Winthrop Clan
Boston Globe March 11, 1962, page 61
Services for Charles D. Belcher, 88, oldest member of one of Winthrop's founding families will be held at 2:30 pm tomorrow in the Reynolds Funeral Home, Winthrop. Interment will be at the Winthrop Cemetery.
Mr. Belcher died March 2 at Wilmington, Del, where for the past seven years he lived with a son, Dr. Charles Jr. A retired employee of the Winthrop Post Office, Mr. Belcher was a member of the First Church in Winthrop, Methodist; a past noble grand of Crystal Bay Lodge I.O.O.F., and a member of Winthrop Lodge, A.F. & A.M. He was a brother of the late Arnold Belcher, former Globe news photographer.