Golden Eagles
tracy — Sat, 08/27/2005 - 07:05
Seems your mother was extremely unhappy about those coins being confiscated from the woman! The issue comes down to this, how were those coins gotten in the first place? If they were part of the coins that turned up missing from the mint, well then the Government has the right.If they belonged to the family and were not returned in the recall it raises an interesting question.If the family was in Europe at the time are they required to return them? Mucho money at stake!
Massachusetts tackles spam gang
tracy — Thu, 05/12/2005 - 20:03
Massachusetts tackles spam gang - One of the world's biggest senders of spam is being sued by the Massachusetts attorney general. [BBC - Technology]
As far as I can tell, all I have to say to this is "thank God." I'm as tired of these emails as the rest of you are. Unfortunately, enforcing this order will probably be much harder than he thinks as not all foreign countries have the time or resources to pressure ISPs to shut down these sites.
Developers to play with BBC wares
tracy — Thu, 05/12/2005 - 19:53
Developers to play with BBC wares - The BBC opens up its content for outside web developers and designers to "create cool new things". [BBC - Technology]
With announcements such as the above increasing in frequency across the Internet, I wonder if perhaps we are about to enter the next phase of Internet growth. The first phase began when AOL (and probably some other companies) created the monthly rate plan which was well within the grasp of many Americans. Once AOL launched that product, URLs were popping up everywhere from print to TV. And while the Internet is awesome, there is only so far it could go with the old way of doing things. For many people, their bookmark lists are getting too long and it takes too long to check out every website of interest to see if the content has been updated and what has been added.