Link with Reality
How to write a Makefile Quick writeup of how to write a UNIX Makefile. (tags: howto linux programming)
What has the Department Of Homeland Security accomplished? Bad news does make for entertaining news, so a slant towards less than flattering reports is typical for most news agencies. Yet, I find a pretty large dirth of positive reports on the organization, which is disturbing. What have they done to make [...]
Backup Files to DV Camera Quick tutorial on how to back up files from your computer to miniDV tapes. (tags: administration howto) Companies and Products on TechCrunch Yet another list of Web 2.0 companies, with reviews. (tags: web2.0 links) OpenBC: List of Web 2.0 companies Thread with yet another list of web 2.0 companies, with categorizations. (tags: web2.0 links) NARA ¦ The National Archives [...]
Preventing SSH Dictionary Attacks With DenyHosts ¦ HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials Using deny hosts to prevent dictionary-based ssh attacks. (tags: howto linux security) Playlist: Deauthorizing all iTunes computers Quick article on how to deauthorize all your computers from iTMS. (tags: howto itunes) MusicBrainz The MusicBrainz tagger applications allow you to automatically look up the albums/tracks in your music collection and [...]
Backup Files to DV Camera Quick tutorial on how to back up files from your computer to miniDV tapes. (tags: administration howto) Companies and Products on TechCrunch Yet another list of Web 2.0 companies, with reviews. (tags: web2.0 links) OpenBC: List of Web 2.0 companies Thread with yet another list of web 2.0 companies, with categorizations. (tags: web2.0 links) NARA ¦ The National Archives [...]
One of Wyoming’s best kept secrets has got to be Grand Targhee. While many have heard of Jackson Hole (forty miles to the West) not as many talk about GT, and with good reason: that way they can keep Grand Targhee all to themselves. The basic facts show that it’s a decent mountain: 2,400 [...]
RssFwd Get RSS updates sent to your email. (tags: technology web2.0) TripConnect Sign up, link to friends, and consult your personal network to get travel advice on destinations around the globe. (tags: technology travel web2.0) Command-line reference A-Z Documentation on commands you can use from Windows XP’s command prompt. (tags: howto windows) Letterfu Letter-writing without envelopes, cutting, or glue. (tags: resource) Neowin’s Freeware Alternative List A series of [...]
Uh oh, it looks like the geocaching may be getting into dangerous territory with the authorities. For those not in the know, geocaching is a GPS game, where a person hides a “cache”, typically in a tupperware container or old ammo box, and provides the coordinates online. Other folks then use the [...]
Yahoo! UI Library The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, HTML and AJAX. (tags: technology programming web2.0) Turn an image into text. (tags: technology) 99 Performance Tips for WindowsXP Lots of quick tips to get the most out of your Windows [...]
Web 2.0 Mashup Matrix ProgrammableWeb’s quick index of sites that mash up Web2.0 technologies. (tags: technology web2.0 links)