Step 1: Leave On The Next Train
While reading some of the T&G items posted by Buck over on Volcanoboy regarding the cultural community in Worcester, I came across something that I found sort of funny. Within the third of three T&G articles, there is this: To start to remedy that situation, Mrs. Bassett has been involved in putting together a Web site to introduce Clark students to the city through an online slide show, She and faculty members also have developed New England Culture 101, which showcases events in Worcester and nearby though the school’s main Web site, Additionally, Erin Williams, the city’s cultural development officer, and Mrs. Bassett are organizing a group of students to act as liaisons to the city’s cultural organizations. Now the funny thing is, that when you hit up the slide show on the Clark website, that is designed to promote Worcester in all of it’s glory, this is the first slide. In case you can’t see it too well in the screen shot above, the text caption says: “Take a train from the newly renovated Union Station to Boston.” Nice. In the slide show promoting the city of Worcester, the very first slide suggests you get on the next train and go to Boston.