Misc Entries from Newburgh, NY City Directories
Newburgh Directory 1860-61
No Lent
No Eckert
Lounsbery, Edward B., carpenter h 55 Colden
Newburgh 1862-63
No Lent
No Eckert
Lounsberry, Edward B carpenter h 433 Smith
Newburgh 1864-1865
No Eckert
Lounsbury Edward B patternmaker h 41 Smith
Lent James H carpenter h Gidney Av n New Mills
Newburgh 1865-1866
No Eckert
Lent Henry farmer h Western av n Stone
Lounsberry Edward B patternmkr h 41 Smith
Newburgh 1867-68
No Eckert
Lent Alexander blacksmith h Washington c Mill
Lounsberry Edward B pattern maker h 41 Smith
Lounsberry Robert boatman h 93 Front
Newburgh 1868-69
Lounsberry George brickmaker h Western Ave n City Limits
Lounsberry Marcus D pilot str Union h Fishkill Ldg
no Eckert
Newburgh 1870-71
Lounsberry George laborere h West'n av n Lake
Echard Lizzie C bds 115 First
Echard Mary F millinery bds 115 First
Eckard Miss Mary milliner h 115 First
no Lent
Newburgh 1871-1872
no Lent
No Lounsberry
Newburgh 1873-1874
No Lent
No Lounsberry
Newburgh 1874-1875
no Lent
Lounsbury George laborer h Snake Hill
Newburgh 1875-1876
No Lent
Lounsberry, George laborer h Little Britain Rd
Lounsberry, William laborer 132 Westn av
Newburgh 1877-1878
No Lent
Lounsberry, George laborer Snake Hill Rd
Newburgh 1878-1879
Lent Emma W wid h 67 Chamber
Lounsberry George laborer Snake Hill Rd
Newburgh 1879-1880
No Lent
Lounsberry William laborer h Snake Hill Rd
Lounsberry Lydia h 122 Western Av
Newburgh 1880-81
Lent William H gardener h 253 Powell Av
Lounsberry George laborer h Ice Av
Newburgh 1881-82
No Lent
Lounsberry George laborer h Ice Ave
Newburgh 1883
Lent Melissa widow h 32 Johnston
Lonsberry Eugene ship joiner h DuBois n Gidney av
Lonsberry George laborer h ft Snake Hill
Newburgh 1883-1884
Lent Melissa widow h 278 First
Lent Nelson B printer h 140 South
Lonsberry Eugene ship joiner h Dubois n Gidney Av
Lonsberry George laborer h ft Snake Hill
Newburgh 1884
Lent Melissa widow h 232 First
Lent Nelson B printer h 140 South
Lounsberry George teamster h foot Snake Hill
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 89 Broadway
Newburgh 1884-1885
Lent, Nelson B printer h 140 Smith
Lonsberry Eugene ship joiner h 89 Broadway
Lonsberry George lab h Ice Ave
Newburgh 1885
Lent Melissa widow h 232 First
Lent Nelson B job printer h 132 Dubois
Lent Mrs N B music teacher h 132 Dubois
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 89 Broadway
Lounsberry George teamster h Lake n Ann
Newburgh 1887
Lent Annie E Miss operator bds 232 First
Lent Henry Tollgate keeper Cohecton turnpike h do
Lent Lou E Miss operator bds 232 First
Lent Melissa widow h 232 First
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office h 136 Dubois
Lent N B Mrs music teacher h 136 Dubois
Lent Raymond B clerk 150 Broadway bds 232 First
Newburgh 1888
Lent Annie E Miss operator bds 232 First
Lent Henry h Washington n Broadway
Lent Lou E Miss operator bds 232 First
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office h 136 Dubois
Lent N B Mrs music teacher h 136 Dubois
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water bds 232 First
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 89 Broadway
Lounsberry George teamster h Ice Ave
Newburgh 1889
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Emma A Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Luella J Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Mellissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office h 126 Dubois
Lent Mrs N B music teacher h 136 Dubois
No Lounsberry
Newburgh 1890
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Luella G Miss
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B clerk 102 Third
Lent N B Mrs 102 Third
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water bds 229 Third
Lounsberry Arthur teamster bd 211 N Miller
Lounsberry Eli bds Benkard av n William
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 89 Broadway
Lounsberry Frank cab driver h 32 Bay View Terrace
Lounsberry George teamster h Ice Ave
Newburgh 1891
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Emma A Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Luella G Miss
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B clerk 164 Lander
Lent N B Mrs 164 Lander
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water bds 229 Third
Lounsberry Carrie Miss domestic 49 Colden
Lounsberry Eli Carpenter bds 221 Broadway
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h Water n Cotton Mill
Lounsberry Frank cab driver h 32 Bay View Terrace
Lounsberry George teamster h Ice Ave
Newburgh 1892
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Francis J h 5 Lander
Lent Luella G Miss
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B clerk 164 Lander
Lent N B Mrs 164 Lander
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water bds 229 Third
Lent William H carpenter h 226 Broadway
Lounsberry Carrie J Miss res 78 Montgomery
Lounsberry Eli carpenter bds 27 Liberty WH
Lounsberry Frank cab driver h 467 Broadway
Lounsberry George laborer h Ice Ave
no Pecka/Puetz
Newburgh 1893
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Emma A Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Francis J removed to Cornwall
Lent Harry S clerk 188 Broadway res 229 Third
Lent Henry h Washington n West
Lent Luella G Miss
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B clerk 164 Lander
Lent N B Mrs 164 Lander
Lounsberry Caroline Miss res Alfred Bridgeman Grand Av
Lounsberry Eli carpenter bds 10 Washington pl
Lounsberry Eugene carpenter builder 253 Water
Lounsberry Frank car driver h 57 Broadway
Lounsberry George laborere h 482 Broadway
Lonsberry W D captain steamer James T Brett
No Pecha
Newburgh 1894
Lonsbery W D captain steamer James T Brett
Lounsberry Eugene carpenter and builder h 253 Water
Lounsberry Frank h 239 First
Lounsberry George laborer h Ice Ave
Lounsberry Ida Miss artist h 72 Montgomery
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Emma A Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Harry S clerk 110 Broadway res 229 Third
Lent Henry died Aug 13 1893
Lent Jane widow of Henry res 60 1/2 Farrington
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B clerk 3 Water h 9 S Miller
Lent William H carpenter The Palatine h 105 William
Newburgh 1895
Lent Annie E Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Emma A Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Etta B Miss seamstress res 229 Third
Lent Frances S Mrs Music Teacher h 164 Lander
Lent Harry S Stenographer res 229 Third
Lent Joseph E asst supt Rose brick yard h 80 Robinson
Lent Melissa widow h 229 Third
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office h 164 Lander
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 9 S Miller
Lent William H carpenter The Palatine
Lonsberry W D captain steamer James T Brett
Lounsberry Eugene carpenter + builder h 88 Carson
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 239 First
Lounsberry George laborer h Ice av
Lounsberry Ida V Miss artist removed to Marlborough
Lounsberry Maud B Miss milliner res 88 Carson ave
No Pecka
No Puetz
Newburgh 1896
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 120 Johnston res do
Lent Harry S removed to NYC
Lent Jane Mrs res 160 Lander
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Melissa removed to NYC
Lent Nelson B local agent N.Y. Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office + enumerator US census h 120 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lonsberry W D captain steamer Jas T Bret res Fishkill
Lounsberry Arthur C mason h 206 N Miller
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner 74 Carson ave
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 238 First
Lounsberry George laborer h 104 Lake
Lounsberry Maud B Miss stenographer 97 Carson
Lounsberry William H
Newburgh 1897
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 120 Johnston res do
Lent Jane Mrs res 160 Lander
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Nelson B local agent N.Y. Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office + enumerator US census h 120 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lonsberry Walter clerk 14 Colden bds 61 do
Lonsberry W D captain steamer Jas T Bret res Fishkill
Lounsberry Arthur C mason removed to Middletown
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner 74 Carson ave
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 238 First
Lounsberry George laborer h 104 Lake
Lounsberry Maud B Miss stenographer 97 Carson
Lounsberry William H
Newburgh 1898
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 120 Johnston res do
Lent Jane Mrs res 160 Lander
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Nelson B local agent N.Y. Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office + enumerator US census h 120 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lonsberry W D captain steamer Jas T Bret res Fishkill
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner 74 Carson ave
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 238 First
Lounsberry George laborer h 104 Lake
Lounsberry George jr laborer res 104 Lake
Lounsberry Maud B Miss stenographer 97 Carson
Lounsberry Walter C clerk 14 Colden h 64 Lander
Lounsberry William H
No Pecka
Newburgh 1899
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 120 Johnston res do
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Nelson B local agent N.Y. Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office + enumerator US census h 120 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lonsberry W D captain steamer Jas T Bret res Fishkill
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner 74 Carson ave
Lounsberry Eugene N removed to Marlborough
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 238 First
Lounsberry George laborer h 104 Lake
Lounsberry George jr laborer res 104 Lake
Lounsberry Mamie A Miss stenographer 98 Broadway res 89 do
Lounsberry Maud B Miss stenographer 98 Broadway res 89 do
Lounsberry Walter C clerk 14 Colden h 64 Lander
Lounsberry William H
No Pecka
Newburgh 1900
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 120 Johnston res do
Lent Jane Mrs res 160 Lander
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Nelson B local agent N.Y. Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office + enumerator US census h 120 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lounsberry Arthur W h 312 First
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner 74 Carson ave
Lounsberry Frank V motor man h 238 First
Lounsberry George laborer h 104 Lake
Lounsberry George jr laborer res 104 Lake
Lounsberry Mamie A Miss stenographer 98 Broadway res 89 do
Lounsberry Maud B Miss stenographer 98 Broadway res 89 do
Lounsberry Walter C clerk 14 Colden h 64 Lander
No Pecka
Newburgh 1901
Lent Bertram N asst bookkeeper Ferry Weber & Co res [278]
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 146 Johnston res do [278]
Lent Frank driver h 295 Ann [278]
Lent Jane Mrs res 167 Lander [278]
Lent Joseph E foreman brickyard h 77 Benkard av [278]
Lent Nelson B local agent NY Life Ins Co also job printer Journal office h 146 Johnston [278]
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First [278]
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine [278]
Lounsberry Arthur W mason h 312 First [282]
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 74 Carson Av [282]
Lounsberry Frank V motorman h 238 First [282]
Lounsberry George laborer h 9 Cottage pl. Washington [282]
Lounsberry George jr laborer h 9 Cottage pl. Washington [282]
Lounsberry M D pilot Fishkill Ferry, res Fishkill [282]
Lounsberry M D jr emp Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill [282]
Lounsberry William laborer res 9 Cottage pl cor Washington [282]
Lounsberry Wm shipper Sweet, Orr, & Co res 233 Third [282]
Lounsbury Mamie A Miss stenographer 98 B'way res 89 do [282]
Lounsbury Maud B Miss stenographer 98 B'way res 89 do
Lounsbury Walter C clerk 14 Colden h 21 Lander [282]
Lounsbury Isaac B farmer h 74 Van Ness
Newburgh 1902
Lent Bertram N bookkeeper 21-23 S Water, res 146 Johnston
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 146 Johnston res do
Lent Jane, widow of Henry res 167 Lander
Lent Joseph E supt Aldrich brick works h 77 Benkard Av
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office h 146 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine
Lounsberry Arthur W mason removed to NY city
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 74 Carson Av
Lounsberry Frank V motorman removed to Fishkill
Lounsberry George laborer h 128 Mill
Lounsberry George E laborer h 128 Mill
Lounsberry Mamie M Miss res 3 High
Lounsberry M D pilot Fishkill Ferry, res Fishkill
Lounsberry M D jr emp Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Lounsberry William laborer res 120 Mill
Lounsberry Wm shipper Sweet, Orr & Co res 45 Carpenter av
Lounsbury Eugene laborere h 11 Carter
Lounsbury Mamie A Miss stenographer 2-4 Johnes res 89 Broadway
Lounsbury Maud B Miss stenographer 2-4 Johnes res 89 Broadway
Lounsbury Walter C clerk h 167 Washington
Lounsbury Isaac B farmer h 17 Carter
Newburgh 1903
Lent Bertram N billing clerk E.R.R. office res 146 Johnston
Lent Frances S Mrs music teacher 146 Johnston, res do
Lent Jane widow of Henry res 86 Lander
Lent Joseph E supt Aldrich brick works h 77 Benkard av
Lent Nelson B job printer Journal office also pub genealogical history of the Lent family h 146 Johnston
Lent Raymond B clerk 3 Water h 180 First
Lent William H carpenter emp The Palatine h 71 Lander
Lent Winfred F clerk 236 Liberty res 146 Johnston
Lounsberry Eugene ship joiner h 74 Carson av
Lounsberry George laborer h 128 Mill
Lounsberry George E laborer res 128 Mill
Lounsberry Harry deck hand Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Lounsberry Mamie M Miss removed to New Haven, Conn
Lounsberry M D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Lounsberry M D jr emp Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Lounsberry William laborer res 120 Mill
Lounsberry Wm shipper Sweet, Orr & Co res 412 Washington
Lounsbury Eugene laborere h 11 Carter
Lounsbury Isaac B farmer h 358 First
Lounsbury Mamie A Miss stenographer 24 Johnes res 89 Broadway
Lounsbury Maud B Miss stenographer res 89 Broadway
Lounsbury Walter C candy maker 48 Colden h 167 Washington
Newburgh 1904
[not all Lounsbury]
Lounsberry M D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Lounsberry M D jr emp Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Newburgh 1905
[no Lounsbury of the right name]
Pecha Elizabeth Mrs h 133 William
Newburgh 1906
Lent George E farmer h Riverside Flats 332 Water
Lent Isaac emp Brookside Farm h Broadway nr limits
Lent Jesse emp Walter Damville h Broadway nr limits
Pecha Elizabeth Mrs. removed to NY City
Newburgh 1907
Lent George E iron worker h Riverside Flats 332 Water
Lent Jesse removed to Plattekill
Lounsbury Marcus pilot Newburgh + Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 83 Renwick
Newburgh 1908
Lent George E iron worker removed to Leptondale
Lent Harry removed to Leptondale
Lounsbury Marcus pilot Newburgh & Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborere h 183 Renwick
Newburgh 1909
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Newburgh & Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 183 Renwick
Pecha Paul laborer bds 187 Renwick
Newburgh 1910
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Newburgh & Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 183 Renwick
Newburgh 1911
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 183 Renwick
Newburgh 1912
Lonsberry William C hatter h 66 Montgomery
Lounsberry Marcus D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 183 Renwick
Newburgh 1913
Lonsberry William C hatter h 66 Montgomery
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborer h 183 Renwick
Pecha John jr emp C.L.M.Co res 183 Renwick
Newburgh 1914
Cavo Michael saloon 111 William h 250 Washington
Lounsbary Marcus D pilot Fishkill Ferry res Fishkill
Pecha John laborere removed to New Windsor
Newburgh 1915
Cavo Michael saloon 111 William h 57 do
Cavo Matteo laborer h 57 William
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Ferry res Beacon
Newburgh 1916
Cavo James bartender 305 Broadway bds 73 Water
Cavo Michael emp paper mill h 75 Mill
Cavo Michael h 57 William
Cavo Rose Miss res 57 William
Lounsbury Marcus D pilot Ferry res Beacon
Newburgh 1917
Cavo Michael emp paper mill h 75 Mill
Cavo Michael lab h 57 William
Cavo Michael Miss h 57 William
Lent Jesse emp O.C.T Co h 310 Washington
Newburgh 1918
Cavo Michael emp paper mill h 204 N Miller
Cavo Michael lab h 57 William
Cavo Josephine Miss 57 William
Lent Jesse emp O.C.T.O. co h 310 Washington
Lonsberry Marcus D pilot Ferry h Beacon
Newburgh 1919
Cavo Josephine h 57 William
Cavo Michael emp paper mill h 204 N Miller
Cavo Michael laborer h 57 William
Lent Jesse emp Yuess Gardens h 460 Broadway
Lonsberry Marcus D pilot ferry h Beacon
Lounsberry Harry clk 114 Broadway h 19 Benkard
Newburgh 1920
Cavo Michael emp papermill h 164 W Parmenter
Lent Jesse emp Yuess Gardens h 45 Prospect
Lent Myron teamster h 45 Prospect
Lounsberry Marcus pilot Ferry h Beacon NY
Lounsberry Harry electrn shipyard h 137 Broadway
Newburgh 1923
Puetz Frederick G (May) mech h 261 Robinson av
Cavo Matteo (Angelina) confectionery 127 William h 114 do
Dellacerra Carmine (Rosina) meat market 91 1/2 William h 126 S William
Newburgh 1924
Cavo Matteo (Angelina) confectionery 127 William h do
Pecka John (Mary) lab h Quassaick av NW
Lent George h Mill Leptondale
Lent Harold A lawyer (2-3) 602 dh at Highland
Lent Harold R meter repairer res 72 Hawthorne av
Lent Isaac (May) far h 72 Hawthorne av
Lent Jesse (Maud) chauffer h 36 Johnston
Lent Mary res 36 Johnston
Lent Myron (Lena) chauffeur res 36 Johnston
Lent Joseph E (Carrie) h 262 Liberty
Lent Ralph carp res 72 Hawthorne
Newburgh 1925
Cavo Fannie spinner r 40 Benkard av
Cavo James clk r 40 Benkard Av
Cavo Matteo (Angelina) lab h 40 Benkard av
Lent James W (Lent's Motor Sales) 127-129 Broadway h at Fort Montgomery
Lent Jesse (Maud A) teamster h 76 Lake
Pecka John (Hazel) mach h John NW
Pecka John (Mary) lab h Quassaick av NW
Putz Lena wid William h 38 Colden
Newburgh 1926
Cava Fannie mech opr r 271 Washington
Cava Matteo (Maria A) lab h 271 Washington
Lent Isaac May far 72 Hawthorne
Lent Jesse (Maud A) driver h 12 1/2 S Johnston
Pecka John (Hazel) mach h John NW
Pecka John (Mary) lab h Quassaick av NW
Puetz Frederick G (May M) welder h 41 Gidney Av
Puetz William H (Emma) mech h S Plank rd RD 1
Putz Lena wid William waitress h 167 Ann
Putz Richard emp WSRR r 167 Ann
Putz William (Emma) emp 360 Liberty h Gardnertown RD 1
[360 Liberty Clinton Garage Inc Jova Truck and Sales Co]
Newburgh 1927
Cava Fannie mech opr r 271 Washington
Cava Matteo (Maria A) lab h 271 Washington
Cavo James rest 123 William h do
Lent Jesse (Maud A) h 270 Ann
Lent William far r Plattekill tpk RD1
Pecka John (Hazel) mach h John NW
Puetz Frederick G (May M) rem to NYC
Puetz William H (Emma) mech S Plank rd RD1
Putz Lena wid William waitress h 167 Ann
Putz Richard rem to NYC
Newburgh 1928
Cava Mattea (Maria A) lab h 271 Washington
Cavo James h 123 William
Cavo Michael (Mary T) lab h Melrose Av Star Route NW
Lent George E lab r Woodland drive
Lent Isaac died Aug 3, 1927
Pecka Anthony P papermkr r Quassaick av NW
Pecka Bertha D emp HRWM r Quassaick av NW
Pecka Helen A emp HRWM r Quassaick av NW
Pecka John (Hazel T) mach h John NW
Pecka John (Mary) emp CCCo h Quassaick av NW
Pecka Michael P hostler r Quassaick av NW
Puetz Paul R painter r 38 Johnston
Puetz William H (Emma B) mech 38 Johnston
Newburgh 1929
Cavo Angelina (wid Mateo) r 229 Ann
Cavo Michael (Mary T) lab h Melrose Av NW MD 14
Lent George E lab r Woodland dr
Puetz William H (Emma B) mech h S Plank Rd RD1
Newburgh 1930
Cavo Angelina wid Matteo died Feb 2 1930 age 69
Cavo Michael (Mary T) lab h Melrose av NW MD 14
Puetz Paul R (Gertrude A) mech r S Plank rd RD1
Puetz William H (Emma B) mech h S Plank Rd RD1
Orsino Carmine (Maria F) lab h 240 Washington
Orsino Genriano barber r 240 Washington
Orsino Lucia mach opr r 240 Washington
Mele Nunzio (Mary) grocer 63 Mill h do
Messina Ignacio (Fannie A) emp AmFCo h 109 Benkard av
Dellacerra Carmine (Rose) meat 91 1/2 William h 58 Mill
Vignogna Angelo (Josephine) lab h 127 S William
Newburgh 1938
[Puetz only]
Puetz George J (Ellen E) h 152 Ann
Puetz Lena wid William r 8 Taft Av RD3
Puetz William (Emma) lab h Greenlawn av RD3
Puetz William Jr emp The Williams Bakery Co Inc r Greenlawn av RD3
Puetz William H lab h Old S Plank Rd RD3
Newburgh 1942-1943
[Puetz only]
Puetz Evelyn S r Greenlawn av RD2
Puetz George J (Ellen E) mech r Greenlawn ave RD2
Puetz Lena wid William r S Plank rd RD3
Puetz William shipwkr r (3) 74 Montgomery
Puetz William (Emma) Shipwkr + contr Greenlawn Av RD3 h do
Newburgh 1946
[Puetz only]
Puetz Dorothy L steno Stewart Field Airport r 254 Ann
Puetz Evelyn S r Greenlawn av MD 25
Puetz Lena wid William r S Plank Rd MD 25
Puetz William shipwkr + contr Greenlawn av MD 25 h do
Puetz William K (Florence E) auto mech h Powder Mill Rd
Newburgh 1947
[Puetz only]
Puetz Evelyn S rem to Plattekill
Puetz Lena wid William r S Plank rd MD 25
Puetz William [Emma] h Mountain View Av RD 1
Puetz William K rem to Plattekill [Florence E]
Putz William [Liona] painter h rear 229 Ann
Newburgh 1948
[Puetz only]
Puetz Donald H creeler FCCo r S Plank Rd
Puetz Lena Mrs h S Plank Rd
Puetz William (Emma) h Mountain View av RD 1
Puetz William H (Liona) painter h rear 229 Ann
Puetz William K (Florence E) mech NY h 42 Colden
Newburgh 1949
[Puetz only]
Puetz Donald (Katherine L) weaver FCCo h 74 Montgomery
Puetz Lena Mrs h S Plank rd
Puetz William (Emma) h Mountain View av RD1
Puetz William H (Liona) painter h rear 229 Ann
Putz Donald (Catherine)
Newburgh 1950
[Puetz only]
Puetz Donald (Catherine) emp FCCo r 148 Montgomery
Puetz Florence Mrs. emp 635 Broadway r 348 Liberty
Puetz Lena Mrs h S Plank rd MD 25
Puetz William (Emma H) h Mountain View Av RD3
Puetz William K Jr (Ann) Bill's Auto Repair S Plank rd MD 25 h N Plank Rd RD3